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Facial acknowledgment innovation alludes to a PC driven application that consequently distinguishes a person from their advanced picture by ...

Friday, November 29, 2019

Mary Shelley Life And Frankenstein Essays - Fiction, Literature

Mary Shelley Life And Frankenstein It is clearly evident that there are many parallels between the novel Frankenstein and the life of its author Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Throughout her life, Shelley experienced many deaths of loved ones. These tragedies led her to create a monster story that expressed her psychological state of mind. From researching biographical texts of Shelley, I learned that the deaths of loved ones that Mary Shelley experienced had a significant influence on the plot of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley was born into a family that contained notable writers, William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. These two writers influenced Mary Shelley's decision to become a writer. One night as Shelley was going to sleep, she began thinking of a horror story. Before she realized it, pages and pages of words were flowing and soon enough, Frankenstein was created. Without realizing it, Shelley was incorporating events that were taking place in her life to the story that she was writing. Mary Wollstonecraft became very sick when Shelley was born. She had suffered due to complications during childbirth. Everything happened all at once and two weeks after she gave birth, Mary Wollstonecraft died. Mary Shelley was the cause of the death of her mother. Never would she be able to get close and bond with her mother the way mothers and daughters do. She realized that she had to stay strong and accept what life had to offer her. "Though she had struggled to reject that instinctive guilt, carefully schooled as she had been in logic throughout her thirteen years by her renowned philosopher father, the thought continued to haunt her" (Leighton 3). Thoughts of her mother would always be with her, but life had to go on. There was no better way for Shelley to keep the spirit of her mother alive then by following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a writer. Now she would be able to be as expressive as she wanted and release all her grieves and emotions. The way Shelley's mother died is quite similar to the way Frankenstein's mother died. While his mother was taking care of Elizabeth, his "sister," from scarlet fever, she became very sick and simultaneously died. Here, Elizabeth feels that she is the one responsible for her mother's death. If she had insisted that her mother stay away from her while she was sick, she would have still been alive. Elizabeth and Victor had to accept what happened and move on with their lives. "My mother was dead, but we had still duties which we ought to perform; we must continue our course with the rest and learn to think ourselves fortunate whilst one remains whom the spoiler has not seized" (Shelley 43). They would both always feel the pain and sorrow of the loss of their mother, but they knew that going on with life and doing well for themselves would make their mother both happy and proud. When Mary Shelley gave birth to a boy, she decided to name it William in honor of her father. After two years of happiness, little William became seriously ill and died. This was the most traumatic thing Shelley had to encounter. It was hard enough having a mother die, now it was her son. Life did not seem to have much meaning to her anymore. "The world will never be to me again as it was ? there was a life and freshness in it that is lost to me...I ought to have died on the 7th of June last" (Walling 19). This was a very upsetting and chaotic time for Shelley. She could not come to any realizations as to why her baby was taken away from her. It seemed very ironic that Shelley named Frankenstein's little brother William, especially since William dies. Frankenstein could not understand the real reason as to why this happened to William. Was he the cause? No matter what the implications were, Frankenstein knew that Justine, his cousin, could not kill her own family member. Questions were left unanswered and things were always a mystery to Frankenstein. As Shelley was growing up, she had a lot of step/half brothers and sisters from different marriages. She was not able to get very close to them because she was always moving around and living in different places. One significant half-sister that Shelley remained close with was Fanny Imlay. She was four years old when their mother had died and as she and Shelley were growing up, Fanny would talk about Mary Wollstonecraft and tell

Monday, November 25, 2019

Using Glob with Directories in Ruby

Using Glob with Directories in Ruby Globbing files (with Dir.glob) in Ruby allows you to select just the files you want, such as all the XML files, in a given directory. Even though Dir.blog  is like  regular  expressions, it is not. Its very limited compared to Rubys regular expressions and is more closely related to shell expansion wildcards. The opposite of globbing, iterating over all the files in a directory, can be done with the Dir.foreach  method. Example The following glob will match all files ending in .rb in the current directory. It uses a single wildcard, the asterisk. The asterisk will match zero or more characters, so any file ending in .rb will match this glob, including a file called simply .rb, with nothing before the file extension and its preceding period. The glob method will return all files that match the globbing rules as an array, which can be saved for later use or iterated over. #!/usr/bin/env ruby Dir.glob(*.rb).each do|f| puts f end Wildcards and More There are only a few wildcards to learn: * – Match zero or more characters. A glob consisting of only the asterisk and no other characters or wildcards will match all files in the current directory. The asterisk is usually combined with a file extension if not more characters to narrow down the search.** – Match all directories recursively. This is used to descend into the directory tree and find all files in sub-directories of the current directory, rather than just files in the current directory. This wildcard is explored in the example code below.? – Match any one character. This is useful for finding files whose name are in a particular format. For example, 5 characters and a .xml extension could be expressed as .xml.[a-z] – Match any character in the character set. The set can be either a list of characters or a range separated with the hyphen character. Character sets follow the same syntax as and behave in the same manner as character sets in regular expressions.{a,b} – Match patter n a or b. Though this looks like a regular expression quantifier, it isnt. For example, in regular expression, the pattern a{1,2} will match 1 or 2 a characters. In globbing, it will match the string a1 or a2. Other patterns can be nested inside of this construct. One thing to consider is case sensitivity. Its up to the operating system to determine whether TEST.txt and TeSt.TxT refer to the same file. On Linux and other systems, these are different files. On Windows, these will refer to the same file. The operating system is also responsible for the order in which the results are displayed. It may differ if youre on Windows versus Linux, for example. One final thing to note is the Dir[globstring] convenience method. This is functionally the same as Dir.glob(globstring) and is also semantically correct (you are indexing a directory, much like an array). For this reason, you may see Dir[] more often than Dir.glob, but they are the same thing. Examples Using Wildcards The following example program will demonstrate as many patterns as it can in many different combinations. #!/usr/bin/env ruby # Get all .xml files Dir[*.xml] # Get all files with 5 characters and a .jpg extension Dir[.jpg] # Get all jpg, png and gif images Dir[*.{jpg,png,gif}] # Descend into the directory tree and get all jpg images # Note: this will also file jpg images in the current directory Dir[**/*.jpg] # Descend into all directories starting with Uni and find all # jpg images. # Note: this only descends down one directory Dir[Uni**/*.jpg] # Descend into all directories starting with Uni and all # subdirectories of directories starting with Uni and find # all .jpg images Dir[Uni**/**/*.jpg]

Friday, November 22, 2019

What is happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is happiness - Essay Example Hence we should not just end up at being happy after living our lives. We should not â€Å"at last† reach happiness after our grim years and lifelong struggles. This feeling is best described as â€Å"Happiness is not a brilliant climax to years of grim struggle and anxiety. It is a long succession of little decisions simply to be happy in the moment†, as penned down by J. Donald Walters (QuotationsBook.com, n.d, p.g 57). Happiness is not what we want but it is what we need. It is food for soul. To be happy in life, we need to take advantage of opportunities and to follow our dreams. Happiness slaps us in the face when we are down. Happiness takes us out of our deepest sorrows. Happiness is like a light that guides us through the path of our life. Happiness is not unattainable or difficult. Happiness is an emotion that drives and guides us. Happiness sows in us a seed of hope. Hope that we should live by. Hope that should make us strive, hope that makes us struggle. Happiness is to smile, feel and see. A lot of questions can be asked about happiness. Most of these questions are exaggerated questions as everyone’s happiness is variable. There is no right answer to what happiness is. The human heart is the main sensor for happiness. It feels and craves deeply. The heart is like an ocean. The heart is like the sky. The heart is vast in its likings. It feels happiness very momentarily and rather than living in the moment it tends to look for other things. Unhappiness is also an emotion felt by the heart. Unhappiness is dominant over happiness as it has the capability to cling to our souls and hearts. Happiness is a symbol or a metaphor whereas unhappiness is a story. This story can make or break our lives. Hence it is important to engrave happiness in our souls. It is also must for a person to ask themselves where their happiness lies and with who

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Global Managerial Economics - Essay Example The increase in the economic activity becomes an opportunity for workers because of the increase in the demand of a new integrated global market as well as the dynamism of the flow of capital. When a company goes global in its business strategy, for instance, it could invest in an overseas country to take advantage of the cheap labor, hence, generating jobs for the work force in that particular locale. This is especially helpful for workers in the Third World countries which lack financial capital to support enterprise that would lead to employment opportunities. Ideally, it is hoped that the growth generated by these trade breakthroughs would close the income gap of workers in developing and industrial countries. On the other hand, the current trend in international trade becomes disadvantageous to workers when the increase in competition among enterprises causes local firms to fold-up, leaving a trail of unemployed or underpaid workers behind. The entry of multinational companies in a particular market - with the advantage of its resources - swallow small and medium sized companies in mergers or drive them out of business because it could afford to lower its products prices. We see the most adverse impact of globalization in the agriculture industry of smaller countries and those whose governments are barred to subsidize their industries. 1 Another disadvantage, which is technically not a consequence of globalization per se but the lack of state policies and regulation on this new economic phenomenon, is the bad labor standards of the multinational companies. The current international trading system follows the trade liberalization and deregulation terms dictated by the World Trade Organization. There are already several milestones achieved by the world body mainly in the lowering of tariffs as well as in the cooperation of its member-states in legislating policies in line with deregulation. However, one of the most serious challenges in achieving the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Meta-analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meta-analysis - Essay Example 1 The purpose of this study was to identify and synthesize published research on the effectiveness of EMLA cream in reducing VE and IV insertion pain. A meta-analytic approach was used to answer the following questions: 1. What is the magnitude of the effect of EMLA cream on VE and IV pains 2. Is the effect size of EMLA cream on VE and IV pains moderated by the following variables: study publication date, sample age, sample size, sample health status, anatomical puncture site, duration of application, method of pain measurement and research design (Fetzer,2001).Research question 1 is direct and useful clinical question as it encourage/discourage clinical use of EMLA in VE & IV whereas question 2 tends to encourage/discourage such use via evidence on several other variables important among them being sample size, sample health status, premedication, anatomical puncture site and duration of application. The topic had immediate relevance for nursing profession as both IV &VE are widely practiced nursing techniques. While substantial agreement was achieved on coding of the substantive variables, methodological variables and miscellaneous variables; resolution of disagreements was not elaborated and two raters were not identified. 2 The meta-analysis ... 2 The meta-analysis clearly defined the inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting primary studies. The databases used by the reviewers were identified and were appropriate. All of the keywords were identified and were adequate. The reviewers documented the use of adequate supplementary efforts to identify relevant studies, including non-published studies. The Sample 3 The search strategy yielded an adequate sample (number) of studies-19. Though it was not clearly stated if the sample size in each included study was adequate nevertheless there was substantial agreement on 'sample size' methodological variable. The reviewers did not attempt to contact the original researchers for additional information. For instance several studies failed to report test statistics or raw data, in these cases conservative estimates of study outcomes were made from the provided raw data. Rationale for excluded studies was clearly provided. 4 Quality Appraisal 5 A quality index for each study was calculated based on the criteria used by Beck (1995). Reviewers did not indicate that all reviewed primary studies were of high methodological quality though they coded 8 methodological variables and two raters had 97% agreement on coding of such variables.Interrater agreement percentages were reported for all categories of the coded variables but resolution of disagreement(though minor )was not reported. The methodological comparability of the included studies was specified by means of coding 8 methodological variables as above and coding agreement thereupon. As the inclusion criteria was well defined to have comparable clinical situations and since the coding of substantive variables

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Le Secteur Pharmaceutique Doit Actuellement French Essay

Le Secteur Pharmaceutique Doit Actuellement French Essay Le secteur pharmaceutique doit actuellement faire face diffrents problmes. En effet, dici 2012, les leaders du march vont perdre les brevets de leurs produits vedettes. Une fois tombs dans le domaine public, ces brevets vont ainsi pouvoir profiter aux mdicaments gnriques qui gagnent de plus en plus de part de march. De plus, les gouvernements des pays industrialiss rentrent dans une politique de rduction des dpenses lies la sant ce qui a pour consquences des dremboursements de mdicaments et une baisse des prix. Il est de plus en plus complexe et long de lancer un mdicament sur le march ce qui a pour consquences daugmenter les coà »ts et de diminuer la dure de vie du produit sur le march. Face cela, les groupes de lindustrie pharmaceutique se rapproche et crent une pression concurrentielle de plus en plus importante. Lentreprise pharmaceutique Merck, consciente des challenges que lui impose son environnement, a dcid en 2009 de fusionner avec un de ses concurrents: Shering Plough. En effet, aprs Introduction Lindustrie pharmaceutique reprsente aujourdhui le secteur le plus fructueux de lconomie mondiale.Laugmentation significative de lesprance de vie, laccs de plus en plus large aux diffrents services de sant et la science en perptuel progrs sont trois des nombreux facteurs expliquant limportance de linfluence de cette industrie sur notre conomie. Bien que trs rentable, cette industrie prsente aussi diffrents obstacles pour les entreprises qui doivent ainsi relever de nombreux dfis sur ce march. En effet, celles ci doivent affronter une concurrence trs importante, notamment due aux mdicaments gnriques. De plus, les entreprises pharmaceutiques doivent faire face une vigilance croissante venant des autorits (la FDA et la EMEA) ce qui ralentit souvent la commercialisation de leurs produits. Enfin, une barrire financire freine souvent les entreprises, les budgets ncessaires la recherche et au dveloppement des produits tant excessivement importants. Afin de se maintenir sur le march, les entreprises doivent continuellement revoir leur stratgie et sont ainsi amenes se transformer en prenant dimportantes dcisions stratgiques. Cest le cas de lentreprise Merck qui, jusquen 2009, tait la 7me plus grande entreprise du march pharmaceutique et qui a dcid de fusionner avec un de ses concurrents Schering Plough, devenant ainsi le 2me leader mondial pharmaceutique. Afin de comprendre les facteurs responsables de cette dcision de fusion, nous prsenterons dans un premier temps le secteur pharmaceutique dans son ensemble et son environnement concurrentiel puis nous nous focaliserons sur lentreprise Merck. Puis dans un deuxime temps nous analyserons les causes internes et externes lentreprise qui ont encourag cette dcision. Enfin, nous tudierons la dcision de fusion plus en dtail, son droulement, ses modalits et les diffrentes consquences. Diagnostique interne et externe de lentreprise Merck 1.1 Analyse externe: le secteur pharmaceutique Lanalyse externe de lentreprise Merck a pour but de comprendre les dynamiques de lenvironnement sur sa position stratgique et va donc ainsi nous aider expliquer sa stratgie de croissance et quels ont t les attraits et ses performances. Lindustrie pharmaceutique est un secteur conomique abritant la recherche, la fabrication et la commercialisation de mdicaments destins la mdecine. Nous allons donc ainsi analyser lensemble de ce secteur en dcrivant son activit, son environnement et ses concurrents. 1.1.1 Lactivit pharmaceutique Lactivit du secteur pharmaceutique est destine produire des mdicaments. Il faut savoir que sa dfinition rpond une dfinition juridique prcise. Larticle L. 5111-1 du code de la sant publique dfinit le mdicament comme suit:  «On entend par mdicament toute substance ou composition prsente comme possdant des proprits curatives ou prventives lgard des maladies humaines ou animales, ainsi que toute substance ou composition pouvant à ªtre utilise chez lhomme ou chez lanimal ou pouvant leur à ªtre administre, en vue dtablir un diagnostic mdical ou de restaurer, corriger ou modifier leurs fonctions physiologiques en exerà §ant une action pharmacologique, immunologique ou mtabolique. » Pour quun mdicament soit commercialis, il ncessite davoir reà §u lautorisation de mise sur le march (AMM). Il est prsent sous un conditionnement spcifique, sous la marque de lexploitant, identifi par une dnomination et fabriqu industriellement. Sur le march, il existe diffrents types de mdicaments: Les mdicaments dtenant un brevet (nous verrons plus tard la notion de brevet) Les gnriques: cest une copie parfaite dun mdicament dont le brevet a expir et qui est donc tomb dans le domaine public Les biosimilaires: selon la rglementation europenne de 2004, ils reprsentent  «tout mdicament biologique de mà ªme composition qualitative et quantitative en substance active et de mà ªme forme pharmaceutique quun mdicament biologique de rfrences » Les vaccinsqui permettent de simmuniser contre une maladie infectieuse. Une partie des mdicaments doit à ªtre prescrite par une ordonnance et peut à ªtre dlivre par une officine uniquement aprs avoir prsent une prescription dun mdecin tandis quune autre est vendu en libre service dans les pharmacies. Lactivit du secteur pharmaceutique est soumise une forte rglementation. En effet, elle porte sur: * Lautorisation de mise sur le march du mdicament Un mdicament doit possder une autorisation de mise sur le march pour pouvoir à ªtre vendu. * Les rgles de prescription et de dlivrance Certains mdicaments peuvent à ªtre dlivrs sans ordonnance mdical sur simple demande au pharmacien. Cependant, la majorit des mdicaments exige une prescription. Une ordonnance doit maner dun professionnel de la sant tel quun mdecin, un dentiste ou encore un vtrinaire†¦ Concernant lordonnance, celle-ci doit à ªtre rdige aprs examen du malade et doit comporter les informations concernant le prescripteur, celles propos du mdicament (dnomination, posologie, dure du traitement) et celles propos du malade. * Les conditions de remboursement * Les essais cliniques et la recherche * La proprit intellectuelle Les molcules originales bnficient dune exclusivit de commercialisation de 20 ans la date du dpà ´t du dossier pour obtenir le brevet. Lentreprise peut faire la demande de 5 ans supplmentaires. Aprs avoir dcris lactivit de ce secteur, nous allons analyser son environnement. 1.1.2 Lenvironnement et son impact Afin de comprendre linfluence de lenvironnement pharmaceutique sur le comportement des entreprises et des clients, nous allons baser notre analyse sur le modle de Pestel. * Politique gouvernementale Les politiques gouvernementales ont une forte influence ngative sur la stratgie des entreprises du secteur. Elles sont la base des enjeux de financement des dpenses lies la sant. Actuellement, dans la majorit des pays industrialiss, les gouvernements sorientent vers une diminution des dpenses des assurances maladies. Les consquences de ces restrictions sont la baisse des prix des mdicaments ainsi que des dremboursements mais aussi la promotion des gnriques qui les place alors comme un concurrent majeur des laboratoires traditionnels du secteur pharmaceutique. En effet, les gnriques affectent les ventes de ces laboratoires et deviennent donc les principaux bnficiaires de la restriction des dpenses de sant dans les pays industrialiss. * Economie et conjoncture Lconomie a une influence ngative mais cependant limite sur la stratgie des entreprises pharmaceutiques. En effet, les nouvelles mesures conomiques sur les dpenses de sant dues une dgradation des comptes des assurances maladies ainsi que la crise financire ont pour impact: => Une baisse des ventes de lauto mdicamentation soit des mdicaments non-rembourss car les consommateurs rvaluent leurs dpenses prioritaires =>Une rduction de la valorisation boursire due la crise financire qui incite les grands groupes entrer dans une phase de rachat, de fusion et de croissance. * Les comportements socioculturels Les comportements socioculturels ont une influence globalement positive sur le secteur pharmaceutique. En effet, les besoins mdicaux insatisfaits ne cessent daugmenter, la population mondiale devient de plus en plus à ¢ge et de nouvelles pathologies se dveloppent ce qui a pour consquences une demande croissante envers les laboratoires pharmaceutiques ainsi quune tendance au dveloppement des ventes. * La lgislation Le secteur pharmaceutique est soumis de nombreuses rglementations qui entravent fortement sa croissance. En effet, trois types de rglementations influent considrablement le secteur: Les brevets: La protection dun mdicament dure de 20 25 ans mais il faut savoir que 10 13 ans sont ncessaires pour dvelopper le produit et obtenir lautorisation de mise sur le march, il ne restera donc que 10 15 ans au laboratoire pour profiter de lexclusivit du mdicament. Lautorisation de mise sur le march: le processus pour obtenir cette homologation est de plus en plus complexe et difficile La fixation des prix et le remboursement: le prix et les conditions de remboursement dun mdicament sont fixs avant son lancement sur le march afin que les gouvernements puissent contrà ´ler les dpenses de sant et de permettre un libre accs au mdicament. En conclusion, les dpenses du lancement dun mdicament ne cessent daugmenter tandis que lexclusivit et les dlais de commercialisation ne cessent de diminuer. * Les volutions technologiques Lvolution thrapeutique est le second moteur de croissance du secteur aprs les comportements socioculturels. Les laboratoires ne cessent de rpondre la demande et de samliorer. Ainsi, les mdicaments rcents et plus chers remplacent les anciens et deviennent un bien de consommation courante li la qualit de vie. Ceci a pour consquence de placer la rechercher et le dveloppement comme le moteur de lindustrie et va lui permettre de se focaliser sur des nouveaux champs de recherche. * Lcologie Actuellement, les contraintes cologiques psent considrablement sur lindustrie pharmaceutique et cela deux niveaux: Les produits et les usines des industries pharmaceutiques ont un impact sur lenvironnement. Par exemple, des rsidus de mdicament sont retrouvs dans leau cause du rejet des usines, de llimination et du recyclage de leurs dchets. Lenvironnement actuel est la source de nombreuses pathologies modernes. Afin de conclure lanalyse de lenvironnement externe de lentreprise Merck, nous pouvons dire que le secteur pharmaceutique est marqu par un besoins important en mdicament dà » au vieillissement de la population mondiale, laugmentation de pathologies nouvelles et dune augmentation de laccs aux mdicaments dans de nombreux pays. Cette industrie est marque par une innovation constante qui joue le rà ´le de moteur dans un domaine ou les anciens produits sont souvent soumis un dremboursement. Cependant, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques doivent aussi faire face une augmentation des rglementations qui engendre des coà »ts suprieurs et qui diminue la dure de vie de leur produit sur le march avant que le brevet tombe dans le domaine public. Face une stratgie gouvernementale globale qui souhaite rduire les coà »ts lis la sant, les laboratoires traditionnels doivent subir la promotion des gnriques qui devient un de leur concurrent majeur. 1.1.3 Les concurrents prsents sur le march pharmaceutique Afin danalyser de faà §on pertinente lindustrie pharmaceutique et la concurrence, nous allons dfinir le modle trs utile des 5 forces de Porter. Ce modle va rpondre la question: quel est le fondement de la concurrence dans le secteur? Et nous allons y rpondre au travers de la hirarchisation des 5 forces de Porter. * La rglementation Le secteur pharmaceutique est soumis une forte pression rglementaire. En effet, le processus dhomologation dun mdicament est de plus en plus long et complexe (Brevets, AMM†¦) Il est impos tous les nouveaux produits pour quils puissent à ªtre vendus sur le march. Ceci a donc pour consquences daugmenter les coà »ts et les dlais du lancement du produit et donc de rduire son temps de commercialisation. * Concurrence intra-sectorielle Le march pharmaceutique est un march oligopolistique soit  «un march sur lequel la concurrence est fausse du cà ´t de loffre, du fait dun trs petit nombre de vendeurs par rapport la multitude des acheteurs » En effet, le nombre de laboratoire en concurrence troite sur le mà ªme traitement est limit. Nous pouvons prendre lexemple des vaccins grippaux dtenus seulement par Sanofi-Aventis, GSK et Novantis. Cependant, cette concurrence est marque par une forte pression due la mga fusion de Pfizer/Wyeth qui ouvre donc les portes une vague de consolidation. * Les fournisseurs Les entreprises de ce secteur se sentent en position de force face aux fournisseurs notamment dans la sous-traitance dactivit non-stratgique, tandis quelles auront une relation de partenariat avec les acteurs de recherche donc les laboratoires deviennent de plus en plus indpendants. * Les substituts Les entreprises pharmaceutiques ne sont pas menaces par les produits de substitution par quil nen existe pas. Cependant, elles se sentent de plus en plus menaces par la contrefaà §on qui touche les pays mergents. En effet, elle occupe de 6 10 % du march pharmaceutique mondial. * Les nouveaux entrants Les barrires lentre du secteur sont lourdes cause des rglementations, des investissements consquent ncessaire la rechercher et au dveloppement, aux technologies. La pression des entreprises actuelles du secteur vient surtout des gnriques qui profitent des brevets tombs dans le domaine public. Ils prennent une place de plus en plus importante dans le secteur cause de la promotion de ceux-ci par une majorit de gouvernements. Concernant les biotechs, ils ont plus un rà ´le de partenaires que de menace. Pour conclure, le march pharmaceutique est peu concentr lchelle mondiale. Toutefois, elle lest bien plus lorsquon centre son analyse par classe thrapeutique oà ¹ on est en situation doligopole. En effet, dans chaque classe, les 3 premiers mdicaments les plus consomms concentre plus de la moiti des ventes de la classe. Le nombre dentreprise est en augmentation face lessor des start-up de biotechnologies bien que la tendance au rapprochement de nombreux groupes diminue le nombre doprateur sur le march. Ces rapprochements actuels sont dus la perte des brevets car les 10 premires entreprises mondiales vont perdre leurs brevets dici 2012, elles vont donc à ªtre fortement soumises la menace des gnriques qui profitent des brevets tombs dans le domaine public. De plus, les rglementations deviennent de plus en plus complexe et retarde donc la mise sur le march du produit, augmente les coà »ts et diminue sa dure de vie sur le march. 1.2 Analyse de lentreprise Merck Co Merck Co, qui est galement connu sous le nom de Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD) est lune des plus importantes socits pharmaceutique dans le monde. Cre en 1891, Merck co tait lorigine une filiale de la socit allemande Merck KgaA mais pendant la premire guerre mondiale, elle devint une socit indpendante amricaine. Aujourdhui, Merck Co emploi 51 000 employs dans 120 pays et 30 usines travers le monde. Elle a donc bien plus de poids que son ancà ªtre allemand qui lui, emploi 32800 employs travers 62 pays. En France, lentreprise est connue sous le nom de MSD. La socit Merck Co est hautement axe sur la recherche et linnovation. De la dcouverte la commercialisation, Merck Co gre tout le processus de production dune large gamme de produits novateurs dont le but est lamlioration de la sant humaine. Dans les annes 50, Merck a t le premier groupe pharmaceutique fournir un programme dassistance aux patients qui ne pouvaient accder aux soins pour des raisons financires. Aujourdhui, Merck fournit 7 programmes dassistance, ayant chacun des critres dligibilit prcis. Paralllement son activit de production et de recherche, Merck publie des manuels, livres mdicaux de rfrence, dont le Manuel Merk de diagnostique et thrapeutique connu mondialement. Merck co occupe la 7me place dans le classement des plus gros groupes pharmaceutiques mondiaux. En 2009, la socit a gnr un revenu de 27.4 milliards de dollars et un rsultat dexploitation de 4.83 milliards de dollars. Merck atteint cette rentabilit grà ¢ce au renouvellement constant de son offre mais aussi du nombre croissant de produits en dveloppement. Merck Co dtient 4 domaines dactivit stratgiques (DAS):  · Les mdicaments Ce DAS reprsente 81,3% de son activit. Merck investit la majorit de ses ressources dans la recherche et le dveloppement de ce DAS. Merck dtient plus de 40 mdicaments diffrents sur le march dans des secteurs thrapeutiques clefs tels que le cholestrol, lhypertension, lostoporose, la cardiologie et le systme respiratoire. Ce domaine regroupe tous les produits  «vache lait » de lentreprise, gnrateurs de la majorit de son chiffre daffaire, on y retrouve: Singulaire, asthme et allergies Januvia, diabte Cozaar, hypertension Vytorin et Zetia, cholestrol Isentress, sida Le domaine des mdicaments reprsente donc la partie la plus importante de lactivit de Merck  · Les vaccins Le deuxime domaine dactivit stratgique de Merck est la vaccination. La stratgie de Merck dans ce domaine est de traiter les maladies devenues rares de nos jours telles que la rougeole ou les oreillons, mais aussi les maladies oà ¹ la prvention semblait impensable telles que le cancer du col de lutrus. Ce DAS reprsente 17.8% de lactivit du groupe et constitue donc la deuxime activit la plus importante pour Merck. Le produit phare de ce DAS est le Gardasil, vaccin contre le papillomavirus, sorti rcemment, seul vaccin sur le march pouvant protger les femmes contre le cancer du col de lutrus.  · La sant animale et les produits de consommation Au-del de ces deux principales activits, Merck possde deux autres domaines dactivit stratgiques dont la part de chiffre daffaire et dinvestissement et beaucoup moins importante. Merck: la sant animale (anti parasite, gestion de la fertilit, anti infectieux†¦) et les produits de consommation type semelle, crme solaire) Les causes internes et externes de la fusion Merck/Schering 2.1 Les causes internes Diffrents vnements apparus au sein de lentreprise Merck sont lorigine de cette dcision de fusion. En effet, un nombre croissant de menaces interne lorganisation ont motiv la socit Merck dans cette dmarche stratgique. 2.1.1 La mauvaise performance conomique des annes passes Ces dernires annes, la socit Merck Co a du faire face diffrents obstacles qui ont fortement pes sur le rythme de son expansion. Dun point de vue conomique, plusieurs faits ont t responsables dune rduction considrable de ses ventes et lont affaibli: La polmique autour du mdicament anti-douleur et anti-inflammatoire Vioxx, utilis pour les traitements contre larthrite (1999-2004) a t nocive pour la socit qui sest vu accuse de commercialiser un mdicament augmentant les risques de crises cardiaques tout en cachant les rsultats de ses recherches. La socit Merck Co a t condamne payer une somme trs importante afin de ddommager les personnes victimes de ce produit mais aussi une amende. Cette polmique a pes lourdement sur la socit qui a vu ses ventes et son chiffre daffaire dgringoler et a t contraint de licencier massivement (7000 postes). La notorit de lentreprise fut alors touche et les articles de presses condamnant la socit se sont multiplis. Merck a du essuyer ces dernires annes de nombreux refus de la part des autorits amricaine quant la commercialisation de nouveaux mdicaments, notamment le Cordaptive, mdicament contre le cholestrol, qui la contraint supprimer de nouveau de nombreux postes (1200). Le groupe mettait de grands espoirs sur ce produit en termes de chiffre daffaire et lenvisageait dj comme un des produits vedette de son portefeuille futur. Enfin, Merck a du faire face de nombreuses attaques, de magasines ou de laboratoires, remettant en cause lefficacit de ses produits. Une des plus importante concernait les mdicaments Vytorine et Zetia, deux produits vedettes, accusant Merck davoir exagr leur efficacit lors des campagnes publicitaires. 2.1.2 Le problme des brevets chez Merck Le secteur pharmaceutique est soumis la contrainte des brevets et de leur expiration. Le groupe Merck, tout comme ses concurrents doit continuellement renouveler ses produits afin de pallier aux pertes engendres lorsque ses produits tombent dans le domaine public. Ces dernires annes, Merck a perdu les brevets de produits vedettes tels que Zocor (2006) et Fosamax (2008). Les ventes de ces produits ont largement chut tant dsormais soumis la loi de la concurrence. Lexpiration imminente des brevets dautres mdicaments clefs pour Merck tel que Singulair, et le faible nombre de produits en phase III, prs à ªtre lancs sur le march devenait trs inquitante pour la socit qui risquait ainsi de perdre plus de 35% de chiffre daffaire. Conscient de ce risque, la fusion avec Schering Plough permettait ainsi Merck de doubler le nombre de mdicaments en phase III (18 produits), dernire tape de dveloppement avant la commercialisation. De plus, cette fusion permettait Merck davoir accs un mdicament prometteur, le TRA, un anticoagulant prà ªt sortir sur le march en 2011. Le portefeuille de nouveaux mdicaments que Schering Plough apporterait Merck reprsentait un potentiel de ventes de 6 milliards de dollars par an. Cette fusion apporte ainsi Merck un nouveau souffle en termes de dveloppement de produits et lui offre une certaine assurance quant au renouvellement de ses mdicaments vedettes. 2.1.3 Schering Plough, un concurrent trs attractif Lancien concurrent de Merck, Schering Plough, a ralis en 2008 un chiffre daffaire de 18.5 milliards de dollars. Il dtenait de nombreux produits vedettes et un portefeuille plutà ´t vaste. A la diffrence de nombreux laboratoires, Schering Plough est peu concern par la concurrence des mdicaments gnriques ce qui rend sa gamme de produits trs attractive pour Merck. Des  «blockbusters » attirent notamment lattention de Merck: lanti-inflammatoire Remicade, Temodar, qui combat les tumeurs au cerveau, et Nasonez, contre la rhinite. Depuis plusieurs annes, Merck et Schering Plough commercialisaient ensemble les mdicaments anti-cholestrol Zetia et Vytorin via une joint-venture. En rachetant Schering Plough, Merck bnficierai alors de la totalit des ventes gnres par ces mdicaments (4.6 milliards en 2008). En fusionnant avec Schering Plough, Merck pourra renforcer sa prsence dans des domaines quil ne maitrisait pas encore. Il compte se renforcer dans loncologie, les maladies cardiovasculaires, les maladies infectieuses, limmunologie et la sant des femmes, secteurs oà ¹ Schering Plough excellait. Le domaine fminin intresse tout particulirement Merck. En effet, dj prsent grà ¢ce son vaccin contre le cancer du col de lutrus Gardasil, Merck souhaite tendre ses comptences convaincu que ce secteur deviendra une problmatique clef ces prochaines annes. Merck hritera ainsi de la pilule minidose Mercilon, le traitement pour la fertilit Puregon et le diaphragme Nuvaring jusqualors commercialiss par son concurrent. La prsence gographique de Schering Plough a aussi motiv Merck dans sa dcision de fusion. En effet Merck pourra dsormais acclrer son dveloppement linternational, Shering Plough ralisant 70% de son chiffre daffaire hors Amrique du nord. De plus, la prsence trs soutenu de Schering dans les pays mergeant (2 milliards de chiffre daffaire par an) est un atout majeur pour Merck, dont lobjectif est de conqurir ce march. En rachetant Schering Plough, Merck augmentera considrablement sa production et aura donc lopportunit de raliser dimportantes conomies dchelle 2.2 Les causes externes Grace lanalyse du secteur pharmaceutique, nous pouvons ainsi dterminer les causes externes de la fusion de Merck et Schering plough. En effet, celle-ci peut sexpliquer par le fait que ce secteur soit marqu par une rglementation de plus en plus lourde, de nouvelles politiques commerciales qui recommandent les gnriques mais aussi par un environnement concurrentiel sous pression cause des mgafusions. 2.2.1 Des rglementations lourdes Le lancement dun mdicament est soumis une rglementation de plus en plus lourde. Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques possdent des brevets qui peuvent durer jusqu 25 ans et qui protgent leurs produits. Dici 2012, les leaders du secteur, dont Merck, vont perdre les brevets de leur produits vedettes qui reprsentent pour la majorit dentre eux plus de 40% de leur chiffre daffaire. Une fois le brevet tomb dans le domaine public, les gnriques sortent lquivalent de ces mdicaments et reprsentent donc une concurrence accrue du fait de leur prix largement infrieur au produit initial des laboratoires traditionnels. Ceci reprsente donc une grosse menace pour les entreprises du march. De plus, lobtention de lautorisation de mise sur le march (AMM) et de plus en plus longue acqurir. Depuis quelques annes, les groupes pharmaceutiques ont des difficults lancer de nouveaux mdicaments car les autorits sanitaires sont devenues de plus en plus exigeantes mà ªme aprs avoir obtenu lautorisation de mise sur le march. Or, pendant ce temps, comme nous lavons dit prcdemment, les molcules vendues ont leur brevet qui tombe dans le domaine public et ils deviennent donc concurrencs par les mdicaments gnriques. Nous pouvons ainsi prendre lexemple du mdicament Singular qui reprsente 18% des ventes du groupe Merck. 2.2.2 Les politiques gouvernementales et la promotion des gnriques Beaucoup de pays industrialiss rentrent dans une politique de rduction des dpenses lies la sant (comme cest le cas actuellement en France). En effet, ils mettent en place des dremboursements et font la promotion des mdicaments gnriques qui coà »tent moins cher ce qui amne une baisse des prix des mdicaments vendus par les laboratoires pharmaceutique traditionnels. Ces nouvelles mesures conomiques sont dues la dgradation des comptes des assurances maladies. Suite cela, les groupes du secteur font face une baisse des ventes de mdicaments non-rembourss car les consommateurs revoient les priorits de leur dpense mais aussi des mdicaments gnriques qui grappillent de plus en plus de part de march. Nous pouvons prendre lexemple du plan Obama qui a dclench une vrai rvolution aux Etats-Unis, il va permettre 46 millions de personne de bnficier de mdicaments grà ¢ce leur nouvelle couverture tandis que le prix des mdicaments vont considrablement baisser. 2.2.3 La mgafusion de leurs concurrents directs Face aux conjonctures actuelles du secteur, les leaders du groupe se rapprochent afin de fusionner et de devenir plus fort comme à §a a t le cas de Pfizer et Myeth au cours de 2007. Ces rapprochements crent une forte pression concurrentielle sur le march. En effet, elles permettent de toucher plusieurs domaines thrapeutiques, de raliser des conomies dchelle et de bnficier des brevets restant. Cette fusion est donc lorigine dun colosse sur le march avec un chiffre daffaire de 75 milliards de dollars. Le nouveau grant se place donc la place de numro 1 sur le march. Cette croissance se fera seulement quelques moi avant celle de Merck et Schering plough. Pour conclure, les causes externes de la fusion de Merck et Schering Plough sont les suivantes: 1 Laugmentation des coà »ts et des dlais de la mise sur le march de leurs produits diminuant ainsi le cycle de vie de leur vente 2 La perte de leurs brevets de leurs produits vedettes qui vont donc amener une diminution de leur chiffre daffaire 3 Les nouvelles politiques gouvernementales qui ont pour consquence de diminuer le prix des mdicaments, de faire des dremboursement et de promouvoir les gnriques 4 Laugmentation des parts de marchs des gnriques qui profitent de la tombe des brevets dans le domaine public ainsi que des nouvelles politiques gouvernementales 5 Le rapprochement de Pfizer et Myeth qui les a propulss au rang de numro 1 mondial Analyse de la dcision stratgique: Loffre publique dachat de Schering par Merck Co 3.1 Le droulement chronologique Cest dans un contexte 2009, difficile et touch par la crise, que pourtant le secteur pharmaceutique voit ses plus grands acteurs lancer des OPA sur leurs concurrents, fusionner. Les pressions de lenvironnement et du secteur pharmaceutique que lon a pu dcrire dans les parties prcdentes vont peu peu porter leurs fruits, ou consquence, chez MerckCo. Ainsi peine un mois aprs la fusion du numro 1 mondial du secteur pharmaceutique avec lun de ses concurrents, Merck, alors second leader mondial, lance son tour une O.P.A., amicale. LO.P.A. amicale signifiant bien que le but est de sallier afin de faire face une concurrence accrue. En effet cest le 9 mars 2009, aprs de longues semaines de rumeurs sur les marchs de Wall Street, quenfin est officialis laccord tabli entre les conseils dadministration des deux laboratoires amricains, Merck et Schering-Plough. Un accord ferme de fusion entre les deux entits. A ce moment la finalisation de la transaction est dj prvue pour le quatrime trimestre 2009. Les termes de laccord sont clairs, la nouvelle entit conservera le nom de  «Merck » et la compensation globale pour Schering-Plough sera de 41,1 Milliards de dollars en numraires et actions. La somme sera rpartie comme suit: 44% en argent comptant et 56% en actions. Cependant le chemin sera long, nourri de rebondissements, pour atteindre le jour oà ¹ la transaction est ralise: la clà ´ture de Wall Street, le 3 Novembre 2009. Un temps ncessaire en effet la mise en place dune telle transaction et son approbation et autorisation par les diffrentes parties prenantes. 3.2 Le financement et les parties prenantes 41,1 Milliards de dollars, avec cette somme faramineuse, la fusion entre Merck et Schering-Plough entre dans le  «Top 5 » des plus grosses fusions-acquisitions de 2009. Alors quon dit le secteur fragile, soumis aux diverses pressions (tatiques, boursires, lgales), comment Merck a-t-il pu financer un tel montant? On la vu, la somme est divise en numraire et en actions. Merck possdant une bonne trsorerie, a ainsi pu sautofinancer en grande partie. Il libre de ses caisses existantes 9,8 Milliards de dollars, et met 22,8 Milliards de dollars en actions Merck. Pour le reste de la somme, cest le cabinet J.P. MORGAN, spcialiste du financement dinvestissement, qui donne son accord Merck pour un prà ªt dune valeur de 8,5 Milliards de dollars. Le financement structur, laccord entre les diffrents conseils dadmini

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Need of Achievement :: Risk-Taking, Creativity

Risk-taking is one of the chief dimensions of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are found to be more risk takers than the managers and salaried employees, such that, they are willing to put their homes on mortgage, jobless and can work for years without any earning (Burns, 2011; Masters & Meier, 1988). According to (Moore & Gergen, 1985), entrepreneurs always take calculate risk and always analyse the situation. Cognitive Psychology supports that the risk taking ability is just limited to their area of expertise (Sjà ¶berg, 1978, Heath & Tversky, 1991). According to (Heath & Tversky, 1991), entrepreneurs take more risk in the area of their interest and expertise and not in those area, they have little knowledge about. But even then also, they take more risk than general population. Studies have found that there is a deep link between Entrepreneurship and Need of Achievement. According to Begley and Boyd (1987), those who have founded their own companies had a higher need for achievement than non-founders or owner managers. Also, (Stewart et al., 1998) responded that need for achievement is higher in entrepreneurs than the corporate manager and owner managers. Need for Achievement is usually high in entrepreneurs than the general population. It provides them with motivation to go ahead and achieve their next target easily. Entrepreneurs showing this tendency usually are good planners, sets their goals, always look for information and learning (Miner, 2000). They accept success and failure of their work and this need of achievement help them to overcome failure, obstacles and setbacks. Another important characteristic it measures is the locus of control. It is an ability by which an individual makes a perception about the underlying main causes of events in his life. If individual believes that he/she has control over the outcomes though their own abilities such as attributes, hard work and decision making then it is known as internal locus of control whereas, In case of external locus of control, individual believes that they don’t have any influence on the outcomes and believes in external forces such as fate and luck (Rotter 1966). According to (Rotter 1966), individual who has higher achievement motivation show more characteristics of internal rather than external locus of control. Creativity is a key part in the entrepreneurial process. It is the ability to invent something new or change something (Webster, 1976). According to (Cromie, 2000), Creative people show some particular characteristics. They find problems very interesting and are not afraid of obstacles; rather, they try to find out the solution of those problems. Entrepreneurship and Need of Achievement :: Risk-Taking, Creativity Risk-taking is one of the chief dimensions of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are found to be more risk takers than the managers and salaried employees, such that, they are willing to put their homes on mortgage, jobless and can work for years without any earning (Burns, 2011; Masters & Meier, 1988). According to (Moore & Gergen, 1985), entrepreneurs always take calculate risk and always analyse the situation. Cognitive Psychology supports that the risk taking ability is just limited to their area of expertise (Sjà ¶berg, 1978, Heath & Tversky, 1991). According to (Heath & Tversky, 1991), entrepreneurs take more risk in the area of their interest and expertise and not in those area, they have little knowledge about. But even then also, they take more risk than general population. Studies have found that there is a deep link between Entrepreneurship and Need of Achievement. According to Begley and Boyd (1987), those who have founded their own companies had a higher need for achievement than non-founders or owner managers. Also, (Stewart et al., 1998) responded that need for achievement is higher in entrepreneurs than the corporate manager and owner managers. Need for Achievement is usually high in entrepreneurs than the general population. It provides them with motivation to go ahead and achieve their next target easily. Entrepreneurs showing this tendency usually are good planners, sets their goals, always look for information and learning (Miner, 2000). They accept success and failure of their work and this need of achievement help them to overcome failure, obstacles and setbacks. Another important characteristic it measures is the locus of control. It is an ability by which an individual makes a perception about the underlying main causes of events in his life. If individual believes that he/she has control over the outcomes though their own abilities such as attributes, hard work and decision making then it is known as internal locus of control whereas, In case of external locus of control, individual believes that they don’t have any influence on the outcomes and believes in external forces such as fate and luck (Rotter 1966). According to (Rotter 1966), individual who has higher achievement motivation show more characteristics of internal rather than external locus of control. Creativity is a key part in the entrepreneurial process. It is the ability to invent something new or change something (Webster, 1976). According to (Cromie, 2000), Creative people show some particular characteristics. They find problems very interesting and are not afraid of obstacles; rather, they try to find out the solution of those problems.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Budget Deficit Essay

Complete all questions listed below. Clearly label your answers 1. What impact would a change that shifts an economy’s production possibilities curve outward have on the long run aggregate supply curve? It will cause it to shift right. How have improvements in computer technology affected production possibilities and the long run aggregate supply curve? They have cut the cost of doing business and expanded our production capacity. These types of improvements enhance productivity and shift the LRAS and SRAS curves to the right. 2. Construct the AD, SRAS, and LRAS curves for an economy experiencing: (a) full employment, (b) an economic boom, and (c) a recession. (Graphs can be hand drawn or done by computer; label all curves and axes clearly.) 3. What is a budget deficit? A situation in which total government spending exceeds total government revenue during a specific time period, usually one year. How are budget deficits financed? Selling of bonds, borrowing from abroad, raising taxes, and selling of assets. Why do Keynesians believe that budget deficits will increase aggregate demand? Because they believe that both fiscal and monetary policies affect aggregate demand. 4. When output and employment slowed in early 2008, the Bush Administration and the Democratic Congress passed a legislation sending households a check for $600 for each adult (and $300 per child). These checks were financed by borrowing. Would a Keynesian favor this action? Yes, because Keynesian are in favor of government influence on the economy.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Grief and Loss Essay

Losing someone or something we love is very painful. We may experience all kinds of difficult emotions and it may feel like the sadness will never let up. These are normal reactions to a significant loss. But while there is no right or wrong way to grieve —there are healthy ways to cope with the pain. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering we feel when something or someone we love is taken away. We may associate grief with the death of a loved one – and this type of loss does often cause the most intense grief. But any loss can cause grief, including: * A relationship breakup * Loss of health * Losing a job * Loss of financial stability * A miscarriage * Death of a pet * Loss of a cherished dream * A loved one’s serious illness * Loss of a friendship * Loss of safety after a trauma The more signifcant the loss, the more intense the grief. However, even subtle losses can lead to grief. For example, we might experience grief after moving away from home, graduating from college, changing jobs, selling our family home, or retiring from a career we loved. Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. How we grieve depends on many factors, including personality and coping style, life experience, faith, and the nature of the loss. The grieving process takes time. Healing happens gradually; it can’t be forced or hurried – and there is no â€Å"normal† timetable for grieving. Some people start to feel better in weeks or months. For others, the grieving process is measured in years. Whatever grief experience, it’s important to be patient and allow the process to naturally unfold. (Bowlby 1977) In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kà ¼bler-Ross introduced what became known as the â€Å"five stages of grief.† These stages of grief were based on her studies of the feelings of patients facing terminal illness, but many people have generalized them to other types of negative life changes and losses, such as the death of a loved one or a break-up. The five stages of grief: * Denial: â€Å"This can’t be happening to me.† * Anger: â€Å"Why is this happening? Who is to blame?† * Bargaining: â€Å"Make this not happen, and in return I will ____.† * Depression: â€Å"I’m too sad to do anything.† * Acceptance: â€Å"I’m at peace with what happened.† If we are experiencing any of these emotions following a loss, it may help to know that our reaction is natural and that we’ll heal in time. However, not everyone who is grieving goes through all of these stages – and that’s okay. In fact, some people resolve their grief without going through any of these stages. And if we do go through these stages of grief, we probably won’t experience them in a neat, sequential order.(Parkes 1972) Kà ¼bler-Ross herself never intended for these stages to be a rigid framework that applies to everyone who mourns. In her last book before her death in 2004, she said of the five stages of grief, â€Å"They were never meant to help tuck messy emotions into neat packages. They are responses to loss that many people have, but there is not a typical response to loss, as there is no typical loss. Our grieving is as individual as our lives.† Instead of a series of stages, we might also think of the grieving process as a rol ler coaster, full of ups and downs, highs and lows. Like many roller coasters, the ride tends to be rougher in the beginning, the lows may be deeper and longer. The difficult periods should become less intense and shorter as time goes by, but it takes time to work through a loss. Even years after a loss, especially at special events such as a family wedding or the birth of a child, we may still experience a strong sense of grief. While loss affects people in different ways, many people experience the following symptoms when they’re grieving. Important thing to remember that almost anything that we experience in the early stages of grief is normal – including feeling like we’re going crazy, feeling like we’re in a bad dream, or questioning our religious beliefs. * Shock and disbelief – Right after a loss, it can be hard to accept what happened. Feeling numb, have trouble believing that the loss really happened, or even deny the truth. If someone we love has died, we may keep expecting them to show up, even though we know they’re gone. * Sadness – Profound sadness is probably the most universall y experienced symptom of grief. We may have feelings of emptiness, despair, yearning, or deep loneliness. We may also cry a lot or feel emotionally unstable. * Guilt – We may regret or feel guilty about things you did or didn’t say or  do. We may also feel guilty about certain feelings (e.g. feeling relieved when the person died after a long, difficult illness). After a death, we may even feel guilty for not doing something to prevent the death, even if there was nothing more we could have done. * Anger – Even if the loss was nobody’s fault, we may feel angry and resentful. If we lost a loved one, we may be angry at our self, God, the doctors, or even the person who died for abandoning us. We may feel the need to blame someone for the injustice that was done. * Fear – A significant loss can trigger a host of worries and fears. We may feel anxious, helpless, or insecure. We may even have panic attacks. The death of a loved one can trigger fears about own mortality, of facing life without that person, or the responsibilities we now face alone. * Physical symptoms – We often think of grief as a str ictly emotional process, but grief often involves physical problems, including fatigue, nausea, lowered immunity, weight loss or weight gain, aches and pains, and insomnia. The single most important factor in healing from loss is having the support of other people. People aren’t quite often comfortable talking about their feelings under normal circumstances, it’s important to express them when grieving. Sharing loss makes the load of grief easier to carry. Wherever the support comes from, it is important to accept it and do not grieve alone. It’s normal to feel sad, numb, or angry following a loss. But as time passes, these emotions should become less intense as we accept the loss and start to move forward. If we aren’t feeling better over time, or grief is getting worse, it may be a sign that grief has developed into a more serious problem, such as complicated grief or major depression. The sadness of losing someone we love never goes away completely, but it shouldn’t remain centre stage. If the pain of the loss is so constant and severe that it keeps us from resuming our life, we may be suffering from a condition known as complicated grief. Complicated grief is like being stuck in an intense state of mourning. We may have trouble accepting the death long after it has occurred or be so preoccupied with the person who died that it disrupting daily routine and undermines other relationships. (Simons 1979) Symptoms of complicated grief include: * Intense longing and yearning for the deceased * Intrusive thoughts or images of your loved one * Denial of the death or sense of disbelief * Imagining that your loved one is alive * Searching for the person in familiar places * Avoiding things that remind you of your loved one * Extreme anger or bitterness over the loss * Feeling that life is empty or meaningless Every person is individual and deal with grieving process differently ,however some people experience high level of distress which brings them to see the counsellor. (Stroebe,Schut & Stroebe,2005)People seeking counselling would quite often come for help with thoughts, behaviours, feelings or ability to coop. Sometimes grieving person realizes that counselling is the way to go sometimes family or friends would recognize the symptoms and recommend counselling to the grieving person. In both cases it’s counsellors responsibility to help the survivor to adapt to the change. There are certain principles and procedures than counsellor should follow to help client work through grieving process and come to a good outcome. 1, Actualize the loss Talking about loss may be very difficult for client. This can be encouraged by counsellor by asking appropriate questions: when this happened, how this happened, who told you about it, where were you†¦ some clients would need to go over and over it in their minds before they can be fully aware that it has happened. There is not a time scale for this and counsellor will have to follow clients own pace. Counsellor is in this stage clients listener and can facilitate the growing awareness of the loss and its impact by encouraging to verbalize current and past memories of the deceased. 2, Identify and experience feelings Many clients come to counselling as the are worried about what they are feeling. Some feelings can be very confusing and problematic such as anger ,guilt ,helplessness, loneliness, anxiety. Counsellor’s role is to ensure client that all these feelings are natural and are part of grieving process and help them to acknowledge these sometimes negative feelings. It is important not to leave client with negative feelings but to help them find balance between the negative and positive feelings as focusing on negativity may put client in the risk of complications in the bereavement and make them  suitable for medical treatment(Neimeyer 2000) 3, Assist adapt to the loss To achieve this counsellor may use problem solving approach. What are the problems that client is facing and how can this be solved? Counsellor can help to learn effective coping skills help with self esteem if needed .Good judgement of situation is necessary as during acute grief there is an increased risk of maladaptive response. 4, Help find meaning in the loss The specific ways in which people find meaning-strategies such as â€Å"there’s a spiritual order to the universe†,†she drank too much†,I needed to learn something†-may be less sailent than the process itself .In other words,the ability to reascribe meaning to a change world may be more significant than the specific content by which that need is fulfilled.(Schwartzberg and Halgin 1991,p.245) Finding meaning in loss is one of the goals of counselling. The process can be as important as the meaning. 5, Facilitate emotional relocation By this counsellor can help client find a new place in their own life which will help them to move forward with life. Some people don’t need any encouragement but there are many who do. Especially with loss of loved ones people are tended to feel that if they will move on it will dishonour the memory of the deceased or no one will ever fill the place of lost one. Counsellor can help client to realize that this is true to certain extend but it is all right to live and enjoy their own life. 6, Provide time to grieve Grieving requires time and every person deal with loss differently. Client may be going backward and forward in grieving process and counsellor is there to allow as much time as client needs. Sometimes family and friends seem to the grieving person as â€Å"they don’t understand† â€Å"they keep telling me what to do† etc. Counsellor can help interpret to family members that grieving person needs to accommodate to the loss. There is also a critical time periods which for grieving person is more likely to be difficult to coop with. This would be anniversaries, birthdays ,Christmas and holidays. It is advised to make a note of this dates as grieving person would often  need extra support .If these critical dates come after counselling treatment has finished it is advised to make an arrangements to contact client. 7, Allow for individual differences Grieving process has a wide range of behavioural responses and has strong individual differences in the intensity of reactions, pain ,length of time (Schvartzberg&Halgin,1991) Counsellor can help to explain these differences to the family as sometimes they expect everyone to grieve the same way. Of course client’s ethnicity, religion, upbringing and beliefs play major role in the process and counsellor has to be familiar with these factors. 8, Examine defences and coping styles When rapport between client and counsellor has developed clients are more willing to discuss their behaviour. Some of the coping styles can be dangerous( alcohol and drug abuse) and not making adjustment to the loss. Counsellor has to be alert and inquire about this as heavy drug or alcohol use can intensify the grief and depression. As a general rule, normal grief does not warrant the use of antidepressants. While medication may relieve some of the symptoms of grief, it cannot treat the cause, which is the loss itself. Furthermore, by numbing the pain that must be worked through eventually, antidepressants delay the mourning process. Counsellor can help with active emotional coping which seems to be most effective way to deal with bereavement. This techniques includes using humour ,reframing and redefining difficult situation. 9, Identify Pathology and refer In some cases counsellor may recognize a pathological difficulties in client’s behaviour .Some people will not be able to coop and will continue to struggle. This can develop to some type of complicated grief. .In this case counsellor will have to refer client for different type of psychotherapy. Left untreated, complicated grief and depression can lead to significant emotional damage, life-threatening health problems, and even suicide. To summarize grieving process is natural reaction to the loss It is personal highly individual experience. There is impossible to set a time scale or ask when grieving process is finished. Bowlby(1980) and Parkes (1972) both say that grieving is finished when a person completes the final  phase of restitution. There is a sense in which grieving can be finished when people regain an interest in life, feel more hopeful and adapt to the change. In lots of cases grief counselling is helpful but as a therapists we have to accept that not every grieving person needs counselling and for those who do need it counselling has to be customized as grief is unique to each individual ( Neimeyer,2000) References: Bowlby,J.(1980) Attachment and loss ,New York:Basic Books Kubler-Ross,E.(1969) On death and dying. New York:Macmillan Neimeyer,R.(Ed).(2001) Meaning reconstruction and experience of loss. Washington D.C :American Psychological Association Parkes,C.M.(1972).Bereavement:Studies of grief in adult life.New York:International University Press. Sanders,C. (1989 ) Grief:the mourning after.New York Wiley Worden,W.J.(2009) Grief counselling and grief therapy.A handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner New York: Springer Publishing Company

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Selecting Methods Example

Selecting Methods Example Selecting Methods – Coursework Example Human Resource: Selection Methods Human Resource: Selection Methods In Human Resource, selection techniques vary often andare predominantly based on the organization’s staff and resources. The selection method that is chosen will influence the kind of employees hired in an organization and consequently the level of productivity of the company. This paper seeks to explain the meaning of quotes by Michael Armstrong and Cary Cooper on selection methods by scholars.Cary Cooper in his Journal, How Well-being Can Help HR regain its Influence admits that â€Å"Every profession is inclined to self examination, and provided it is not rendered a distraction from the daily routines, it is of importance†. A lot can be understood from this quote. According to Cooper, self examination is important in the Human Resource. There is a great need of employees to evaluate themselves and this should be aimed at increasing their productivity or bettering it. The examination should at no case reduce the attention of the worker from the job intended.In his book, the Reality of Strategic Human Resource Management, Armstrong (1994) posits, â€Å"Human Resource strategies should be congruent with the context and the circumstances of the organization†. According to him, organizations are different. The distinctions apply to the way they operate and the kind of human resource they require. Thus, a company is advised not to emulate the same human resource strategies practiced by a different company. A further explanation is that the strategies must be in coherence with the circumstance within that organization. Ipso facto, the strategies for selecting a doctor is different with the ones for selecting an accountant since they are of different contexts. This ensures that the enterprise hires the best personnel. ReferencesArmstrong M & Long P (1994) The Reality of Strategic HRMhttp://books.google.co.ke/books?id=kxa_qKxclqoC&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=Armstrong+M+%26+Long+P+%28199 4%29+The+Reality+of+Strategic+HRM&source=bl&ots=47iiB50CSo&sig=vNzZcOVKUPSJetb5BF6reTdtfro&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zwR0VN7LIMTuaLT8grgH&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Armstrong%20M%20%26%20Long%20P%20%281994%29%20The%20Reality%20of%20Strategic%20HRM&f=falsePeople Management Journalcipd.co.uk/pm/peoplemanagement/b/weblog/archive/2014/11/24/how-well-being-can-help-hr-regain-its-influence.aspx

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Carribiean Nations - Focusing on Haiti Essay

The Carribiean Nations - Focusing on Haiti - Essay Example To put it simply, the history of the European colonization in the Caribbean tends to be a saga of economic exploitation and repression. There is no denying the fact that the dynamics of the agricultural dependency of the Caribbean is closely linked to the colonization of the Caribbean by the Europeans. The Europeans to a great extent reconfigured the financial potential of the Caribbean by introducing the plantation system (Parry, Sherlock & Maingot 18). It goes without saying that the human dynamics introduced in these plantations by the Europeans also to a great extent shaped the dynamics of the social hierarchy in the Caribbean. The arrival of the Europeans in the Caribbean and the shaping of the socio-economic landscape of the Caribbean by them through conquests and invasions to a large extent diluted the essentially cohesive world of the indigenous people of the Caribbean. Before the European colonization, the Caribbean predominantly happened to be a secluded place on the globe, being home to a simple, but rich and multifaceted civilization, to a large extent insulated from the machinations rampant in the outside world. However, the advent of the Europeans in the Caribbean exposed the indigenous civilization and people to the outer world, thereby making them subservient to the trends gushing in from Europe, America and Africa. As the tentacles of the European colonization began to expand their span in the Caribbean to plunder the native wealth of the region, they also brought in their wake a system of social hierarchy that assigned a specific place and scope to an individual on the basis of one’s race and position in a well entrenched system of economic exploitation (Parry, Sherlock & Maingot 122). As it is known that with the advent of the Europeans there unfolded an era marked by a sharp decline in the indigenous population, on most of the islands comprising the Caribbean, this indeed created a problem for the European settlers, who were perpetual ly looking for viable sources of affordable and docile labor, so as to optimally exploit the natural resources inherent in the region (Parry, Sherlock & Maingot 17). The solution that the Europeans contrived for this death of local labor eventually translated into the import of slaves from Africa (Parry, Sherlock & Maingot 17). There is no denying the fact that the advent of first the Europeans and then the Africans in the Caribbean, wrought out an utter transformation of the societies of the Caribbean. To begin with, the Caribbean people ended up being victims to a hoard of deathly and debilitating diseases and epidemics like measles, dysentery, malaria and smallpox, introduced to these hitherto isolated lands by the Europeans and the Africans who arrived as slaves (Parry, Sherlock & Maingot 10). The social and political norms and organizations of the indigenous people were reinvented and restructured in the name of spreading the good news. Christianity emerged as the single most p otent shaping influence in the socio-political framework of this part of the world (Parry, Sherlock & Maingot 130). The simple lives of the native people and the imported African slaves were stringently regimented by slavery, plantation culture and other institutions introduced by the Europeans, whose intentions were primarily commercial and profit oriented in their approach. (Parry, Sherlock

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal of Korean Melodrama Peppermint Candy (1999) Movie Review

Journal of Korean Melodrama Peppermint Candy (1999) - Movie Review Example The movie shows that it was the manipulative and oppressive society that led Yongho to commit suicide out of the sufferings that the social system caused him. The movie opens up to show that Yongho was a young business and then he eventually loses his enterprise and his money due to the bankruptcy. He also goes through a failed marriage with a Honja who is a woman he used. He eventually loses his dreams of marrying Sunim, his true love, and becoming a photographer. The movie explores these events through the psychological exploration of Yongho. The viewers are clearly shown how these psychological issues are caused because of an oppressive society in which Yongho loved. The society killed his individuality and his innocence to make him a person with no hope and no love. The director also explores how the political, economic, and social crisis of Korea in the 1980s and 1990s affected Yongho. His character was such that the Korean audience could relate to easily as he was a symbol of degradation of the society. Thus the movie clearly showed how the repressive and manipulative social system could absolutely tear an individual apart. The society was a militarized and patriarchal society which was male oriented. The issues displayed in the film explore the masculine ideology that was present in the Korean society at that time. The most important element which showed the masculine ideology was the militarized society that shaped Yongho’s life. The military control over Korea influenced the masculine ideology which prevailed in the state. The elements that portrayed the masculinity were the organized use of violence and avoidance of the reproductive activities which are culturally feminine. Another element which clearly showed the masculine ideology in the movie was the marginalization of women. The movie was about a man’s life from a male perspective and it totally failed to portray the